Beware when buying anything from Argos stores this christmas

Beware when buying anything from Argos stores this christmas


Beware when buying anything from Argos stores this . you might achieve other than you bargined for! Whilst on our heirs festival in July 2002, my wife a digital camera from Argo

Beware when buying anything from Argos stores this christmas

Beware when buying anything from Argos stores this christmas

Beware when buying anything from Argos stores this christmas you might earn supplementary than you bargined for! Whilst on our successors festival in Cornwall, July 2002, my wife purchased a digital camera from Argos StorePenzance and was given the wrong phenomenon by sales staff Shirley Salmon and Deborah Williams at that store. My wife had payed for a 549.99 Fuji digital camera but was given a Fuji Instamatic camera worth only 29.99. When the sales club were confrounted with this they apologised and exchanged the body The succeeding day we were both extremly shocked when we were arrested by the police and questioned by Detective Constable Deborah Hunt from Falmouth CID We had been wrongly accused by Argos stores of larceny by Deception. Argos stores claimed that we obtained two 549.99 Fuji digital cameras and only paid for one! Our two children daughters were put unbefitting the supervision of social services, causing them (and myself and my wife) big distress and anxiety, while we were detained and repeatedly questioned by police The police had raided our car and seized my photographic system Apart from turning our successors fiesta into a disaster, this resulted in numerous court appearances (costing us thousands of pounds), lengthy journeys(14hours there and back), loss of earnings and a substantial covenant of pain and suffering The police are inert refusing to return 1100 worth of my photographic machinery What happened to consumer lee laws and who is guilty of pilfering by deception?! Argos stores maybe?!!!!! The sales club at Argos stores in Penzance weren’t put through the scrupulous, degrading searches and issue that we were Why? The gloss we were given by Detective Constable Deborah Hunt, “We don’t bear amiable to outsiders coming here and comitting crime” (Not sure I believe this and neither did my brief!) Is it a miscreant offence to bear a spawn holiday? Sorry I can’t attach any festival snaps, they’re quiescent in the camera at Falmouths’ police vaults!!!!!Don’t oscillate to e-mail me with any comments or corresponding experiencesnjwitham@eircomnet (Nicholas Witham, Repof Ireland)

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