VCAD Raises the Bar for Fashion Design Schools

VCAD Raises the Bar for Fashion Design Schools


Vancouver, Canada – July 12, 2010 – For additional than 35 years, Vancouver College of Art and Design (VCAD) has been the premiere procedure institute of design in Vancouver. VCAD offers a fashion marketing and merchandising program, a practice ornament program, and a decoration forging for style program To find out how you can procure started in the exciting practice industry, sustain onto the flawless article

VCAD Raises the Bar for Fashion Design Schools

VCAD Raises the Bar for Fashion Design Schools

VCADhas helped many method hopefuls on their road to become fashion designers. VCAD students are prepared to record into avariety of rewarding art and marking careers like tailors, fashionstylists & more. VCAD is always afew steps ahead of more fashion design colleges and offers brilliantlytextured fashion device courses that include fashion motif drawing,marketing and design forming

VCADstands out among other fashion design schools in Canada because of thereal-world relevance of its manner marking courses, its concentrated programtimelines, and its dilute tuition costs. VCAD keeps costs lower, withoutsacrificing the grade of education, by eliminating unnecessary and redundantcourses and focusing on curriculum that leave front to job-ready graduates Eachprogram of search at VCAD follows a career-focused curriculum that combinestheoretical erudition with hands-on apprenticeship so students grow the skillsneeded to succeed in their chosen careers

VCADs FashionDesign programs teach students to thrive in the fast-paced fashionindustry. VCAD furthermore has manner marketing and merchandising programsMarketing and merchandising graduates bequeath be prepared to pursue fashionjobs in areas like state relations, practice marketing, manner merchandising,fashion retailing, happening and promotions planning, or as a manner writerFashion ornament graduates leave be ready to pursue style industry jobs such as fashionstylists, junior fashion designers, ornament makers (patternmaking for routine design), marketingrepresentatives, or visual express coordinators and purchasers.

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Applyingto a fashion decoration college likeVCAD is feasible and convenient Prospective students can apply onlineor request information from an academicadvisor via phone or online contactform

For moreinformation about VCADs practice designprograms go to www.vcadca